The Easter holiday is upon, and us as usual certain religious groups will rehash the Jesus myth “story”. And like any good propaganda they will insert some truths or half truths to make the whole story believable. If you want to really know how distorted the Christmas, Easter and Halloween holidays celebrations have been perverted you can check the videos of Stephen Dollins on the tube.
One thing remains true regardless of your beliefs: Forgiveness. I have a section about this in the book. Forgiveness is not about thinking you are better than the other. It’s not about being a good christian or a good spiritual new ager. It’s not about whipping yourself and feel unworthy. This is phoney ego based spirituality. Forgiveness is about freeing yourself from the emotional baggage of resentment or grudge one can hold/nourish inside. Forgiveness is also about freeing yourself from the energetic cords that can form when you are holding a grudge against someone. Notice the word: holding. People with grudges are holding onto their emotional pain that literally block or slowdown life energy from flowing freely in your energetic body. Real forgiveness help you release this blockage.
Remember, when you Forgive you Heal, when you let go you Grow
I saw a documentary once about an humorist who was telling story about his fight with cancer. Even after all the medical treatments he went through the cyst was still there and his doctor told him he had just a few months left to live. Later on, as he was reading book in which he was able to relate regarding his son’s death, he realized that all these years had was still holding anger and resentment regarding his son’s death. At this moment he suddenly felt like a warm feeling where the cyst was located and started to feel better. Some time later he went to see his doctor to do some testing and the cyst was gone! He was healed, because he had finally forgive and release the pain of not accepting his son’s death. And the warm feeling he felt when it happened was the life energy flowing back into this area where the cyst was dissolving. I saw him on a tv show a few years ago and he is still alive today and doing well.
Sometimes one is not yet ready to forgive and it’s ok, but at some point you need to do it and mean it. Not because you are better or spiritual, but because you want to Free yourself and let go. Don't let them rule you or have power over you by becoming someone you are not. The past experiences do not define who you are. Remember who you really are: You are a Being of Light and Love. The Divine spark shines in you.
Sometimes your emotions are not just reactions to temporary circumstances, and there is an emotional pain/baggage related to past traumas you have experienced in this life or in a past life. It’s there and the situation triggers it to give you an opportunity to feel it, to release it, to transcending it and moving beyond it. In such case, you need find a way of your choosing to release it: screaming, writing crying, punching a bag, running, breathing and so forth. You can write a letter to this person, but burn it afterward. As long as you do not release it onto another being. It is your baggage so release it responsibly.
Anger, resentment and all the other derivatives of fear based emotions restrict the energy circulation and the lower the strength of your magnetic field temporarily. But if you fall too often in these fears or nourish them regularly then certain emotions can densify into the body and form blockages depending on the intensity. This does not mean you cannot have emotions, quite the contrary. I just mean you need to manage them recenter yourself and release it. One of the easiest way is to focus on your breath. Feel free to breath in from the nose and breathe out by the mouth with a swoosh sound to release. If you wet your lips just before there is a physical calming reaction triggered by the feeling of the exhaled air on your wet lips. If it’s too intense, back away, walk outside do a Thai Chi session or try one of the other options. Some baggage are bigger than other so it might take several takes until you get it out completely. One time I started to feel bad without reasons nor trigger and I just lied down on the couch and breathe 15-20 minutes until it went away.
Your heart is not a pump. Your Heart is intelligent and is composed of 65% of neuronal cells. Your Heart tells the brain what to do in reality. Your Heart produces the magnetic field of your aura. It’s like the shield of starships in Star Trek. Negative emotion contract the heart and lower the field’s strength. Positive emotions open and expand it. Your heart is a powerful ally, you need to keep it open as much as possible to let the energy flow and keep you shield at full strength. Allow him to do his work by keeping it healthy and joyful. An Happy Heart and Happy Life! Regular moderate cardio vascular activities also help strengthen your field. The word moderate is important here. If the cardio is too intense all the time it will hardens the muscle tissue of the physical heart. Tip: If you can talk while while doing your cardio then the exercise is moderate. Start slowly and do not strain it regularly.
Also beware that most electronic screen, media news & entertainment and other societal stimulus desperately want your attention and trigger your ego based fears to destabilize or trigger you emotionally speaking. Why? Because there is a release/loss of energy with fears emotions mode. Why do you think you are bombarded with negative news and shocking events all the time?!
Remember: Where attention goes, Energy flows; and what you nourish with your energy grows
Be a Master: choose what you want to nourish with your Life-Force Energy
Let the Energy Flow by forgiving
Feel the pain, breathe and let your Heart dissolve it
The Change Starts with Me Song
Thai Chi 5 minutes a day series
When you forgive you free yourself from whatever emotional baggage you held onto. Nourishing resentment will only increase the density of the energetic blockages. Forgiveness is also about letting the other go and dissolving the energetic cords that give the other some of your Life-Force energy. It’s about releasing the energetic baggage and allow more Life-Force to circulate in your energetic body. Ever heard the expression moving on with your life? :-)
I found this Forgiveness statement in a book that has the largest scope I have seen:
“I willingly forgive myself for any and all, actual or perceived, hurt or harm I may have caused myself or any others; or that any others have caused me.
I willingly love and forgive myself.
I willingly love and forgive all others.
All others willingly love and forgive me.
I willingly love and forgive God/Source.
God/Source willingly loves and forgives me.
I willingly love and forgive my Source-Light Highest Self.
My Source-Light Highest Self willingly loves and forgives me.
I AM absolutely, ultimately, infinitely, loved and forgiven.
I now willingly release all of this ____________ and everything it represents, and go in peace, love, joy, harmony, abundance, health and wealth.”
Allow yourself time and space to experience how you are feeling now…
Breathe… Relax… Feel… Just Be…
Breathe… Relax… Feel… Just Be
Breathe… Relax… Feel… Just Be
May Peace be with You
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