Fear The Greatest Enemy
Today I want to focus on the solution rather than the problems. Yes knowing and being aware of problems is one thing, but if you focus mostly on them you give it power. That's why the 'negative' forces have tried to convince humans of their power. They try to influence humans to you use their own power of belief against themselves. That is precisely why the tiny 0.01% in this society try to control the media narrative. Because they try to direct people Life-Force energy and power to manifestation to feed the narrative or vision they want you to believe. They desperately try to convince you to use your own power against yourselves to feed and manifest their vision. With your convictions/beliefs are associated the emotional intensity/degree that drives the magnetic power intensity of your heart. And this magnetic power reverberates into the matrix and the collective Consciousness. And it is that power they try to hijack and direct into their desired vision of fear. And what are the are the most intense emotions? Love and fear. One's fear is its greatest enemy.
Without your participation and obedience they are powerless, because the collective of the 99% are stronger. That is also why they try to keep humans divided with different beliefs system or vision. And that is also why they try to keep humans distracted in all sort of theaters, illusions and false beliefs system whether they are political, societal, spiritual or others. And that is also why the will try to make consent to your own submission with the spiritual illusions and all their New CAge goodies. And if you have received or consent to the New CAge techniques like energy treatments, then it can creates weakness point of entry. But this too can be a false believe to make your feel weak or like a victim! Henry Ford once said: If you believe you can't you are right. If you believe you can you are right. Having Faith in oneself right? Having faith in humanity strength to overcome the lunatic visions. Faith is unwavering Confidence.
Don't Mess With My Zen
The time has come to reverse the narrative and Empower yourself. It's time to built Confidence and Strength by rewriting these false programming and false beliefs that powers your magnetic Heart and its manifesting Powers in the matrix. The only thing to fear is fear itself. Death is an elaborate illusion. The Highest Self is Immortal.
To suppress fear Samurai warriors would program themselves as if death could come at any moment. They did not fear death. And during off time they would focus their Attention/Consciousness in the moment in what ever they were doing. The Art of Zen: being fully present in what you do now. They also had a technique to suppress fear before going into battle. They would roll the eyes left and right while keeping them turned in the upward position. Turning their eyes upward moving left and right while remaining in the upward quadrant. What do Japanese Zen monk do all day? Breathe with their belly. Breathe in belly out, breathe out belly in. Breathe in Light, breathe out darkness or fear...
There are too many distractions these days that scatter one's Energy and Attention into xyz instead of being present into your Inner Source of Power. Even I can get distracted. If you are scattered then your Energy is scattered and spent in all kind of distractions, illusions or false beliefs: Technologies, cell phone, computer, news, narratives, spiritual illusions, New CAge systems, politics, gossip, anxiety and so forth. When one succumbs to fear then one becomes unbalanced.
Does it mean that some negative influences do not exist? Not necessarily, but at least you can stop feeding them with your Attention. Stop fearing death. Death is an illusion. It's the unknown that scare you when you come close to die. That's also why sometimes people hold on to their emotional baggage or old beliefs. Because it is known and feels familiar. Letting go, can bring uncertainty, but it can also bring unexpected gifts.
Live fearlessly as it is your last day. Laugh at death. Laugh at fear. Fuck fear!
I saw a video of Anthony Hopkins remembering the question he once asked a priest. He asked him what was the shortest prayer he knew. The priest answered: "Fuck it". That might not sound polished to some 'spiritual' idealists, but you can use another term if you like. Fudge it! Forget it! Forget fear! Be gone fear! It's a way negate and to put it behind; Dissolving it; Forget and move on.
You can do the feeling & breathing technique before it you want. Like the Feel it, Face it and Free it mentioned the other day. Do what ever feels right for you.
If it resonates with you that's fine. If it doesn't that's fine.
Dare to think and do outside the box. You are Infinite Consciousness. No rules apply to you unless you accept them. Do something different and get used to the unknown. Stare at fear in the face say I AM in charge here and I decide what is going to happen. Fear be gone forever!
It's time to reverse the narrative. Cancel the narrative. Negate and Forbid the narrative and the false beliefs rumors being repeated for ages.
You strengthens your Faith and Confidence by believing in your Self.
The 80s Zen sharing the moment
No Fate but What We Make
Faith is a starting point; A base you build upon. You also need to back it up with Actions.
Do what is best for you.
Do what is best for Us as a collective.
Treat yourself lovingly.
Beware and abandon the addictions and the distractions.
Direct your Attention to your inner Source
Pay with cash
Throw your cell phone or limit its usage
Close social media and email account own by tiny 0.01%
Abandon enslaving technologies
Use more ethical alternatives like Telegram.org, private Brave browser and search engine
Meet with friends and enjoy the moment
Reverse negative though forms
Transcend fears
Feed your Inner Power
Say NO to any narrative or false visions
Do moderate cardio vascular activities => Magnetic Heart Power
Choose what you expose yourself to
Notice the theater, but starve it and feed the good vision
Build your Faith in your Self
Build your Faith in the Collective Consciousness
If you Believe you Can, you are right
Wake up the fearless Samurai who laugh at death
The Great Central Sun
The Great Central Sun is the physical manifestation of the loving energies of the Source of All That Is. It is the channel through which unfathomable energy manifests itself in Matter. He represents a gigantic atomic powerhouse, whose expansive activity shapes all life in the universes. He is the Source of all life, whether ethereal, material or invisible. You will learn that life is not limited to incarnation (spirit in flesh), as the majority of life is non-material. In other words, the higher the dimensions, the greater your access to anti-matter, to the ethereal worlds.
The Central Sun shines through the Divine Spark that is in you.
I AM Made Free
I once heard from a priest that “Made Free” is different then set free. He said that Made free was permanent. So feel free to say it and Declare it to the matrix. Assert your Sovereignty. Command it.
I AM the Master of my Fate; I AM the Captain of my Soul.
I have composed this declaration of Sovereignty. You can use it or not, or write your own or not. Feel free to repeat it as needed.
Tune in to the Source by imagining the Central Sun of the Universe until you feel at peace and then you can say these or any other believe you want program.
I Tune in to the Central Sun of the Universe, the Source of all there is…
I Focus on my Divine Spark
Breathe and Feel…
I AM Sovereign!
I forbid, negate and cancel any agreements, contracts, oaths or accords that were made under trickery, lies or otherwise. I forbid, negate and cancel any intrusions or infringements to the integrity of my Soul and Being, my bodies and extensions of Consciousness, under any forms or types; This apply in all space, times and dimensions for all my extensions of Consciousness in all universes or multiverse.
I Command any wrongful intrusions and parasites of any types or forms that could infringe in my bodies, Soul or extensions of Consciousness, to deactivate gently, leave immediately and be gone forever! This apply in all space, times and dimensions for all my extensions of Consciousness in all universes or multiverse.
I purify with Source's Fire, Heal and Repair the needed areas and fill them with Source's Love.
It's Done!
I allow Source's Love in my living space, my bodies, my incarnations, my finances and my relationships!
I AM Beauty and Vitality Radiantly Healthy and Strong!
I AM Omnipotent Sovereign and Free!
I AM Made Free!
I AM Infinite Consciousness!
I Manifest Divinity!
I AM Eternally Protected!
I AM Fully Empowered!
Breathe and Feel…
The best time to say affirmations is just before falling into sleep or just after waking up in the morning. A Sovereign Being Commands while a child begs to external authority.
On Being Grateful:
I am so grateful and thankful and I love how much money I have in my life
I am so grateful and thankful that I have all my needs fulfilled
I am so grateful and thankful that I experience joy in this moment
I am so grateful and thankful that all the questions I wanted to be answered are answered
I am so grateful and thankful for me being me
I am so grateful and thankful for all the good coming into my life.
The 45 Degree Angle Exit
The best way to hide something is to put in plain site. While seekers are being distracted outside and elsewhere they cannot see it near by.
Based on insights and experiences, I sense The Exit is much close than we think.
It's an angle solution. 45 degree angle perhaps.
Those who need to know will understand and transmit to the collective.
This article was posted on the net. I cannot say for sure if this remote viewing is accurate, but for sure this reply comment is correct:
“In some ways, even ancient texts like the Tibetan Book of Dead are similar. In it, people are instructed to see that whatever or whoever they see after death is an illusion and instead to focus on their Higher Self connection basically. Which is what is supposed to bring liberation from the reincarnation cycle.
The whole "Food For The Moon" idea that Gurdjieff and others talked about seems to suggest some sort of extremely advanced etheric machine or matrix around the planet and on the Moon. Which could very well include deception mechanisms in the afterlife - to make us use our free will to agree to further enslavement. Just like it happens on Earth during incarnation”
Here is the remote viewing post:
MOKSHA is a hindu which means: "freedom from samsara, the cycle of death and rebirth". Brett Stuart is a remote viewer. He and his colleagues (4 persons altogether) made a project to examine this "moksha" term. They ran this project blind, didn't know what the target really was. It is interesting that they don't do channeling or they don't refer to written records of any tradition. They simply use remote viewing.
Description of the target side: "fence or grid around a place, that acts as barrier, that traps people or objects". This is a checkpoint for an external force. It acts as a cage. A form of perverted injustice is occuring. A net has been spun around the planet, an operation of catch and release on a grand scale.
How does it work? earth is shielded by a compangnion object. An object, that squeezes tightly around the globe. A chemical process, that involves chemicals. There is a mechanism, at the time of death that is lensing/curving your light back down to earth. This act of lensing generates energy inside the mechanical structure.
What is happening to the soul? To the souls there is a fractioning occuring. The mind and body of a person is fractured, rendering them confused and angry. Something is being taken from them. Analogy: bees in a box, the harvest of honey. The amount of souls reincarnating on this planet, creates an instability, that adds to desired results at this harvest.
How did this begin: Long ago in the past this planet was watched by an outside force with great envy. On earth reincarnation did not exist, souls were not trapped at death and were able to leave this sphere. Then a massive war occured. The fate of earth was decided. The outside force took over. Every time someone incarnates, that what is chipped off as astral shells of the person, is like fuelwood for the system. We are one tiny piece of a power plant.
”How to achieve moksha?
1. At death some specific particles become charged and create an emission. This shoots out of the being like a bullet. This occures from the center of the being. That is the soul. It is being sent to a "super highway" for the soul. The mechanical object around earth prevents the soul from reaching this highway. If you reach this highway, you're safe. In order to be free, the position in the angle with which you exit the body is very important. A 45° degree angle is crucial.
2. There is a safety rope for you, that if you exit in a right angle, you will be helped out the rest of the way. The problem is fear. Because of the fear at death prevents most people to find the safety rope.
Why was this object created around earth? The adversaries running this system are like demons. The mayhem down here is intended, it feed the system itself.
Who is responsible? A council of organic entities, they operate from a place that freezes time. A void, black hole seems to be the place they exist in. They create void zones throughout the universe to enter our realm. The council themselves think they are gods. They are extremely service to self.”
Be Safe Be Wise