Pushing The Envelope
Today I will entertain some out of the box idea about the Blue Beam trap. Feel free to put on your tin foil hats! :-)
Maybe it’s just me, but I find it odd that this Blue Beam Mega trickery is so known and shared on the internet. It’s obvious that all the media promo about the E.T. and UFO is to prepare the regular Joe/Jane consciousness to the idea existing E.T. life so people don’t go bezerk and panic. That is normal and make sense. The Bluebeam story/plan is also getting mainstream among the let’s say ‘awaken’ ones and even a segment of the mainstreet. Recently, there was an article on Zerohedge about it. There are a bunch of videos on the tube. And there is even a ex FBI agent who wrote a book about this that came out in 2021. So it looks like the original idea of the E.T. invaders attacking the planet with a hologram/drones show is appear to be a bit overkill or too obvious to really succeed... There need to be a more subtle angle than this for the booby trap to work, since so many bunch of people are aware.
Today I saw a video from a former Canadian Minister of Defense from 2013 that resurfaced recently talking about the E.T. presence. More propaganda, right? Perhaps, but I get the senses that it contains hints of a more subtle angle for the game plan. Because so many now know about the Blue Beam thing/theme, the E.T. false flag even to work it would need to be more appealing and positive instead of a fearful shock with simulated attacks like advertised in original plan in the alternative media.
Predictive programming inserted in a recent movie.
The Green Bluff Show
So what if the E.T. are introduced as being friendly and willing help save the planet ecology and pollution? And why not ‘teach’ us about the alleged history they want to peddle to make you switch into the New CAge religion. Killing two bird with one stone you know. Physical control with advanced technologies and alleged medical cures and thought control and limiting beliefs with a new religion. Now where have I seen this again? Oh yeah the T.V. show: Earth Final Conflict. Except that in the show they make human fight their war by using human as grind meat. “We the Elohim come in peace; We come to offer you technologies to save your planet ecosystems and give you free energy. We also have revelations about the ‘real’ history of your planet and the spiritual beliefs a.k.a. religion.” So in short, we come to save you and tell you what to think and believe to control or limit you?… After all, there can be only a small Elohim minority that can have these psychic gods like power right? ;-) These humans/cavemen must not be allowed to have a third eye fully open, with telepathic communication and other manifesting abilities that the unlocking of the 12 strands DNA provides. This would be uncivilized! When you come afar and have superior technologies you can pretend anything. But, nice E.T. bearer of gifts would never do that right?
Telomere are normally at each end of a DNA sequence but the human DNA has been modified and that is why you have 2 telomere glued together, because a section of human DNA was cut off.
Technologies to clean the pollution, cures for illness, teleportation and free energy would sound good right? I mean would you say no or resist to this?! And a few genetic undisclosed DNA modifications with that to ensure the human race never unlock their 12 strands Divine DNA? They’ve been pushing and bombarding non stop with the climate change narrative lately. Most people are being brainwashed with this narrative. They are attempting to creating a psychological shock with this. And the gullible ones fell for it. So at some point an E.T. Zhero come up with an easy button solution, would people question anything? Probably not. We hear about Med Beds and we have also seen an example in the movies Prometheus. But what is these Med Beds make other kind of unwanted modifications to the DNA without your knowledge? Yeah could look younger, but they insert more blockages to keep your 12 strand DNA under lock. Or they insert self replicating silicon DNA to transform you into a programmable drone.
Have you heard of these wondrous Med Beds that can heal everything and lower your age. Would you jump blindly on the opportunity to rejuvenate your body with full health? But how would you know they are not doing other modifications to your DNA? Detrimental modifications to block your Divine DNA (refer as junk DNA on purpose). What is they introduced some silicon based material to eventually convert you into a controllable and programmable drone?! They certainly won’t tell you truth, they never did. Sounds far fetch? You have no idea what level of technology they have. They already had psyonic and audiotronic mind projecting and controlling technologies in the 50s and it’s now 75 years later. What ever they have is beyond your current scope of understanding, because humanity has been kept ignorant of such realities.
More predictive programming right at the beginning of the animation Movie: “Head Space” where the young boy replace the Alien ray gun zapping a human with a drawing of a friendly fist bump collaboration. And he says that Aliens could help us clean up the ecological pollution mess.
If at some point the E.T. presence is divulged and they say they have technologies to save the planet Earth and give you some goodies with that would you accept them without questions? Mothers do this with their children by putting honey to bury the sour pill. They would surely try to use the advanced technological bait to seduce the crowd and make them consent. Offering Green ‘solutions’ appears to be the subtle positive angle to make the masses consent with minimal effort and no resistance from the regular joe/jane. That’s why I name the article the Green Bluff show.
2024-01-02 Update:
I don’t usually watch these, but I stumbled on this guy testimony and is alleged involvement in anti-gravity technology in the ‘70s. He sounds credible. And unlike the Blue Beam Show now maintsream narrative, he says pretty much say what I have been saying in this article. The ‘real bad guys’ will present themselves as ‘good guys’ to helps us with planet problems and provide advanced technologies or ‘remove’ the bad E.T.s and their human serfs and stuff like that. This way the crowd will cheer and welcome them while they install the One World government, religion and the NWO agenda. Having ‘allegedly’ saved the planet, dumb crowd would give them their trust and power away, again! And the current chaos serves to bring humanity to such a state of despair so humanity embrace the first ‘savior’ that comes in with solution and of course a One World Religion to enslave the masses with limiting false beliefs and a Evil Messiah with that?..
More predictive programming? In the original V tv serie the V meant Victory and humans rebelled against the aliens. But in the ABC remake the V now means Visitors and they want to give you a booklet (proxy for bible?) to tell you want to think and believe. Human, kneel and adore you new miessiah demiurge god! Kneel and do, believe and think what you are told like the obedient slave they want you to be! Same old agenda re branded… Welcome to the New CAge religion slavery for dummies 101.
This is a full Sun Tzu conquest strategic move that will only work if people are unaware of the plan. So Beware Be-Aware. It could be a Green Bluff Show after all.
Sun Tzu. The Art of War:
“Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.”
The game plan is mentioned around 44:00 minutes, based on his time where he was involved in the ‘70s.
Words form Albert Pike decades ago. Sounds familiar with the current situation?
From Karl Max father of the communist agenda:
Ordo Abe Chao: Oder out of Chaos is what symbolize the phoenix.
Make the pain of separation so great so people beg for unity of a New World Religion (Order) central dictatorship.
Free teleportation sounds good right? Not if you need a digital ID and that you are only authorize when ‘they’ want it. Who will control these new technologies? If it’s the same bunch that try to control the planet now, things will get worse real quick. At first it will look good and fun, but later on the hook will come and if you do not obey then no more free teleportation for you or crappy food ration, or whatever other means of coercion. If you are not a good obedient citizen, no goodies for you! Like the soup Nazi in Seinfeld tv show. Want a brain chip with that? A brain chip implant that ‘they’ will have control over! So the Blue Beam may very well be a Green Bluff show after all.
Of course, this is speculative at this point, but looks like a more reasonable and probable angle that would fool the maximum of humans with the least effort as the climate psychological shock his running high lately. Remember the shock and awe tactic: create a psychological shock with medias bombardment to generate fears and anxiety and then come up with the solution you implement quickly that was planned since the beginning.
And what if they start telling you that they created the human race with genetic hybridization. That your ancestors came from a tube, so you don’t need to believe in God on in your Divinity anymore. You are just less evolved cavemen they upgraded by these E.T. who are playing gods. That they present themselves as a father figure to assert their authority over human kind. “Hey, we created you so we know better and we are smarter so shut up and told as your are told” (being sarcastic here). Will humans be stupid enough to abandon their Sovereignty and submit to them, their doctrine of limiting beliefs or to their tech enslaving toys?
They have already laid disclosed the release plan in the in episode 15 season 19 of the Ancient Aliens tv show on History channel. By first establishing the credibility of Edward Cayce and accuracy of his predictions. After they introduced the idea of the great pyramid of Giza being constructed/visited by E.T. and the vision he was given about the repository of knowledge in a room under the left paw of the Sphinx. A room that will contain revelations about humanity ‘real’ history and a advance civilization of E.T. that lived on earth. If course they can come up with whatever version of the ‘truth’ they want as this room was detected decades ago using echo location by Robert Schoch Ph.D. geologist who studied the Sphinx. And after this discoveries the so the Egyptian military stepped and stop any further investigation. This way it gived the controllers time to access it on their own without anyone knowing and remove whatever real knowledge that could be in there that does not fit the twisted story line they want people to believe. They even introduced Edward Cayce vision of a future humans developing new psychic abilities. There is nothing new in this. Many have developed their third eyes and other abilities as the awakening progress. These abilities are natural, but have been suppressed by these so called E.T. who wanted to reign as demiurge gods over humanity. Human DNA was purposely altered to prevent the use of these psychic abilities. And today the water and food sources are also being poison to prevent the opening of the pineal gland with fluoride, calcium and others. Recently the movie: “Grey Matter” came out that introduce the existence of these abilities. So what if they offer you to unlock these using a DNA modifying serum will you accept even though you do not know what other DNA sabotage they could do?
How many more discoveries like this have been kept hidden or undisclosed? Great many. Knowledge is power and for those in power. liberating knowledge can be a threat and disruptive to their position. They want to remain in control and they will reveal only what serves their objectives. They did the same thing with the bible doctrine they used to regain controlled of the population who had started to believe into a one god idea. They could not stop it so they took the bull by the horns and wrote a doctrine to assemble the people under the ‘leadership’ of the roman catholic church they regulated for more than 2000 Years! And know they are preparing and setting up the release of information to move to the next New CAge doctrine they will also want to rule and regulate if people consent to it of course. Remember that without your consent they are powerless. You give the the power and authority over you. They just try to convince you into it. They present you the illusions and the storyline that will contain part of the truth to make it credible, but they can twist it to suit their objectives.
You are Sentient Sovereign beings no one has any Authority over you unless you give it away. It does not matter if they float in the air, fly in UFOs or have more advanced knowledge. The real knowledge about the reality of this planet and its history has been kept hidden and falsified to keep the human race ignorant and submissive! Even if they come up with a better version, it does not mean you have to obey or worship them! And it does not mean they would be telling the truth then especially if they are the one who made deals with some controlling ‘leaders’.
Even if they can play genetics scientist, they cannot create a Soul nor a Consciousness. They might want to try imprison in limiting false beliefs, but they a just evolving being like the human race. The point I AM making here is never take the narrative for granted as the twist could be more subtle than the advertised plan. Do you really think they would let an ex FBI agent write and publish a book about the Blue Beam? I mean when people really disclosed unwanted secret information that could have an impact usually disappear very quickly. But perhaps they like the ideas that you believe in the crazy plan of the bad E.T. so when they come up with the opposite idea of the friendly E.T. people will lower their guard down and swallow the honeyed pill. Anyway don’t just believe, use your discernment and make up your own mind.
Video from former Defense Minister Paul Hellyer
Jungle Beat Disney movie preparing children to love E.T. with technological gifts
The schwabwefer tells you that who control advanced tech control the world
2023-10-30 Update! They are preparing people consciousness to accept E.T. as friendly
Goldie Hawn says she 'made contact' with aliens
Movie: Jules targeting the older generations
Movie: Monster of California targeting millenials and youger generation
Movie: Beyond Existence Revelation
Checkout this map of the UFO sightings over time. Notice the concentration? Could it be that the USA has reversed engineered flying saucer and have been doing a lot of testing?
Be Sovereign and Make Conscious Choices
If such technologies like AI or brain chips implant are introduced, Humanity will be at a cross road of two possible time lines of tremendous consequences for our Freedom and Future.
Humans consent to enslaving technologies and become semi robots to gain new abilities, but at an unimaginable price: loss of freedom, loss of Sovereignty, Loss of Consciousness and potential slavery
Humans remain natural Sovereign beings they keep the technology in an separate box decentralized and develop greater Consciousness Freely and unlock their own Divine abilities by activating the 12 DNA strands and achieve perfect health naturally
Can you imagine the re-precautions of such technologies? I recommend you watch this very relevant episode of Outer Limits Titled: Stream of Consciousness (season 3, episode 5).
Link to Stream of Consciousness
Their greatest hope is that people stay isolated in fear and do not regroup and connect. No wonder they ordered people to stay put do during the con-vid show.
In the 80s we had no cell phones. We went out and enjoy our time together shared our Light.
The 80s, you can smell the joy and the Freedom
Dream The World You Want It To Be
Be Safe, Be Wise and May The Force Be With You :-)
Link to eBook Smashwords (ENG & FRA)