It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.
I found this video of a man who worked on the anti-gravity technology in the ‘70s and validates many aspects of the Green Bluff Show I wrote months ago.
See the Green Bluff Article Link at the end.
Video Link Truth About the Alien Deception
I don’t usually give much credibility this type of show as there are so many lies lately to feed ludicrous propaganda to confuse humans and discredit the genuine whistleblowers; But this guy sounds rather credible and he provides details about the anti-gravity technology and atoms realignment. Anyway, I thought it was interesting to see that he confirms the angle of the Green Bluff Show potential outcome that is somewhat the opposite spectrum of the Blue Beam main stream propaganda.
I want also to reiterates that this is a potentiality and not a certainty. Certainties generate beliefs or convictions that you help manifest it in the Matrix. The more people are aware about a scenario it increases the probability of failure of the bad scenario in question. Once again this is just a probability to simply take notice and be aware. This way if it happen you will know it’s a trap. The only thing to fear is fear itself. Because fear lead to the dark side as Yoda said!
There are so many moving parts that many outcomes that are possible at this point. It’s like the weather forecast; You take notice about the coming rain so you are prepare in case it happens, but you starve its manifestation by not thinking about it. Be aware but do not feed it you know. Because with beliefs are associated E-motions (Energy in motion) that is powered by the magnetic field of your heart. The stronger the emotion the greater the Energy output in the Matrix. That’s why emotional shocks are entertained and promoted, so the loosh farm be productive! As a Master you act Justly by feeding the good stuff or at least feed your Divine Spark by Focusing on it. I hope I AM able to explain this properly.
Watch to learn how they manage the swarm:
Grand deception fake anti-establishment puppets
If you want to Believe in something, Believe in the Infinite Wisdom and Power of the Divine Spark that is in each of us and that great many will Truly Awake and bring more Truth to the Light and Act Justly to Free Ourselves from the subtle tyranny. Because the real game is not played on the kabuki theater level of your 5 senses, but at a higher level of perception. The perceptions are managed is more ways that you think possible. Like the great many who perceive with their 3rnd eye in the more subtle layers are also fooled with greater more sophisticated illusions by the astral intelligencia.
That’s is why much efforts is done trying to manage your perception of the false matrix. To keep you distracted and ignorant of your manifesting Power. Know that all this earth you are experiencing is false. It’s a distorted hacked copy of the Original Matrix they try to control and use to keep Souls imprison in it. That is why your consent is required at after each death cycle to get your accord to go back in prison.
Death is an illusion, your Spirit or Divine Spark is Immortal. The Soul is an interface/connection between this matrix and your Divine Spark. You project your Self through the Soul into the false matrix. Life missions, karma cleaning and similar concepts are baits to get your consent to come back in the prison. You owe nothing to anyone. Contract and accords made under lies, deceit and trickery are void. And you can Cancel and Void them using my statement or your own. And make sure to include the promises you made to yourself, because of past life traumas or cult membership. Check out the declaration of Sovereignty in this article:
No Fate But What We Make
Let me tell you a real life example of booby trap. One day a guy receives an email that mention a new Quantic computer technology that can rebalance your energy field based on your name. They pretend to have found a discovery about energy signature based on someone’s name and are able to rebalance to optimal level. They ask his permission to test it on him saying that they would like his opinion as an expert in Chi energy (buttering him up). The guy asked how they got his email and they answer goolag search engine, but it’s a lie. It’s not visible on the goolag. They give him a website link to go and of course it’s a timed limited offer for the free trial (bait) and the main page of the website is not existent (alarm bell!). What did he do? Of course he refused and his reply started with: “NO!” The word of all Power. What would you have done in his place? Think about it, because one day it might you who will be tempted with a shortcut booby trap. It’s not ‘Stop’ nor ‘Not interested’. The Word of All Power is: NO! Remember for your next death cycle.
Transcend your limiting beliefs and Free Your Self.
The bait is often tempting, but one has to be unconscious or stupid to give consent to anyone to perform any work on your Energy field (subtle bodies) by any strangers whether they lie or not. And this include the so call ‘light workers’ energy sessions. No one really master this type or surgery, because no one really understand what they are doing. They think they do, but they don’t. All the rei-kiki session givers die of cancer. I have met two persons who confirmed this. And when you receive an energy session they suck up a part of your Life-Force Energy among the other bad side effects it creates. That’s in part why they appear to be ‘luminous’. It’s only the illusion a Energy boost fix from sucking you up.
More illusions revelations here:
NASA: Not A Space Agency
Managing Perception To Create Reality
Forgiveness Declaration To Free Your Self in this article
You are a Sovereign Being Free to chose, but they trick Souls with all kind false beliefs, guilt trip, life missions and so forth to get back in the matrix prison after death. That is also why they are trying to transform the body/vehicle into an hybrid synthetic version that is easier to control and last longer (notice I write: “trying”, because I know and chose to believe they will fail). We are seeing more cracks into their plan everyday. More people are becoming Conscious.
So the question is then: What do you want to Feed? The good stuff of the bad stuff?
If more humans used their beliefs and use their imagination for visualize a positive outcome than thing will turn around quickly for the better as they would put their Divine Spark Inner Manifesting Power into a Good outcome. But too many ego’s are manipulated into believing forecasts and wanting to be right. Because when the mental is right about its environment and forecasta, it reassures the ego/mind who like to be in control.
What is more important? Your ego/mind need to be right to say: "‘I told you so” later on while nourishing the bad fearful scenarios with your E-Motions; Or to be at Peace and grounded no matter what the outcome is, because you focus on your Divine Spark Inner Power to Manifest Your Vision?
If you want to feed something with your beliefs, Feed the positive outcome as Manifested. Not the foolish New CAge ascension trap, but the real Positive Outcome where Souls can move Freely everywhere in the Universe; Feed the one where the corrupted copy of the Matrix crash and the Truth is revealed the tyranny falls apart and Souls are Finally Freed.
Align yourself with Beauty. Put your Attention to what really matters.
And guess what? According to the insider in the video, the first part of the plan of the Green Bluff Show is to pretend to ‘remove’ the Grey Aliens and the illuminaties to gain humanity’s trust and introduce advanced technologies, a NWR, a New World Religion.
Too many religions makes it difficult to keep the control, and here’s come the one word New CAge religion: Self proclaimed authority
Want a Messiah with that? No problem! They can show you made up holographic ‘recording’ of the history with the jesus actor in it. Remember that they are master at creating illusion and managing perception. They know how to play on the subtle frequencies to influence you. And with the ELF weapons, they can make you hear voices in your head! They can make the fake god speak to you in your native language.
Wants some Med Beds with that? No problem, they’ll fuck up your DNA real good without you noticing it! But don’t worry about that, you will look and fell 30 years younger! Common, do you really believe they will tell you the real history? They have been lying to humanity for millennia. They will do and say anything to get you consent and acquiescence to their plan. You attract bees with honey not vinegar you know…
The current chaos is made to generate the maximum confusion, loosh and emotional shocks to bring people into a state of despair, so when they come and play the hero people would acclaim, trust, believe and accept the implementation of the real NWO based on a new world religion and techno controlling goodies to make you swallow the sour pill.
This is a full Sun Tzu conquest strategic move that will only work if people are unaware of the plan. So Beware Be-Aware. It could every well be a Green Bluff Show after all. Juste take notice a move on with your Life and your Divine Spark.
Sun Tzu. The Art of War:
“Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.”
Simply put the New CAge religion wants docile and soft dodos seeing through the mesmerizing rosy glasses of illusions. The objective is to remove Free Will so you become docile slave.
The game plan is mentioned around 44:00 minutes, based on his time where he was involved in the ‘70s.
Words form Albert Pike decades ago. Sounds familiar with the current situation?
From Karl Max father of the communist agenda:
Their motto is Ordo Abe Chao: Oder out of Chaos. The phoenix is their occult symbol to represent this.
Make the pain of separation so great so people beg for unity of a New World Luciferian Religion (Order), a softer central dictatorship of limiting beliefs. Only slave let others control them or have authority over what they should think or believe.
It’s time to wake up the Sacred Masculine Protector in each of us and Stand Up like the Sovereign Being that you are.
“Neo Feminism is a program of Social Engineering (Mind Control) which is specifically targeted at women in order to incite a war between the sexes in a divide and conquer strategy. The long term goal of this manipulated gender war is to weaken both genders to such an extent that it becomes easier for the entrenched ruling class to subjugate both men an women under their world-side system of totalitarian control.” Learn more with Mark Passio’s presentation:
Suppression of the Sacred Masculine Video
Wake up your Sacred Masculine!
This guy provide valuable information on how to view the propaganda behind.
The fake NWO looks like it is about to fall, because it’s not the real NWO plan. It’s a decoy they want you to be distracted by. The real NWO requires the New CAge religion they wish to implement, because beliefs is a cage that require very little enforcement you know. It’s the cheapest way to submit crowds. Imprisoning people’s mind in false beliefs. They will make the cage a bit larger to give you the illusion of freedom, but it still cage of ignorance of the greater realities.
Prepare for the new messiah clown who will tell you what to do and think with possible apparent benefits. You make children swallow the pill by sweetening it with honey right? Who wants to go in the DNA modifying magical med bed first?! Gotch you sucker!
More predictive programming? In the original V tv serie the V meant Victory and humans rebelled against the aliens. But in the ABC remake the V now means Visitors (it’s much more polished!) and they want to give humans a booklet (bible proxy?) to tell you want to think and believe. Human, kneel and adore you new messiah demiurge god! Kneel, do, believe and think what you are told! Like the obedient slave they hope you to be. Same old agenda re-branded with fancier tricks… Welcome to the New CAge religion slavery for dummies 101.
Acceleration of UFO sightings to prepare humanity consciousness for the next phase.
Crystal Clear UFO Footage Link
NASA: Not A Space Agency.
If you zoom in, you see the wire behind the man’s back
Oups bad editing you forgot to include the feet
Zero gravity is the green magic man
And from the fake NWO kabuki theater:
In the mean while the history lies and UFO disclosures keep piling up.
Remember the Green Bluff Show article here.
We Can Save Your Planet - Updated!
Image sketch in 1798: There is man getting of the Sphynx’s head, but they kept it secret all this time... I wonder why that is? Because they don’t want you to know the truth on the wonders in and under the Sphynx. The could very come up with some kind of disclosure soon about this, but it will be their version narrative that serves their purpose, not the real Truth.
Watch to learn how they manage the swarm as they monitor web exchanges and insert their counter not so intelligent narrative, to discredit and redirect the cattle:
Grand deception fake anti-establishment puppets
There are many levels of illusions. The many theaters are just there to distract you from you Real Inner Power. That’s why spending time focus on your Inner Divine Spark is the only Truth one must seek as it helps gain Discernment, Awareness, Balance and Peace.
The other day I heard that the ancient definition of Peace meant being in Harmony. So seek Peace to bring Harmony.
Find that place of Stillness within yourself.
The overload of stimulus, information and fear porn scenarios can increase fear and anxiety for some, but anyone can limit his exposure. You are the Master. So act accordingly if you seek Peace. Peace alone is not the complete solution, actions will be needed as well, but it’s a start.
Seek Peace and Act Justly When the Time Comes
When all is lost and hope is gone, and few are left to carry one;
Only Those Who Have the Will, see Kingdom Rise and Dreams fulfilled
Everything is made of Frequency, Energy and Vibrations. They have know about these cure and other using magnetic field, but that is not profitable to cure people, better sell them poisonous chemical pills that block the symptoms!
Shattering cancer with resonant frequencies
Anna Lucia Ritcher Brahms Lullaby
Anna Lucia Ritcher Schubert, Wiegenlied D. 498